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Witch Name: Random Random

Occupation: Witch
Residence: Witch's Hut

Witch is a friendly NPC. You can encounter her in the world map location Witch's Hut which is randomly generated as a Point of Interest in the Local Map.

  • Her name is chosen randomly when starting a New Game.
  • If you agree to drink with her, she gives you a random Potion.
  • You cannot trade with her.

In the City of Gold expansion, if you loot any container in the witches hut, all gear on your person, in your inventory or in the container you looted will be cursed, you will gain the Cursed status for 3000 turns, and she will disappear. You may then loot the hut as per normal without further consequences.

If you strip naked before attepting to steal, any gear on the ground in her hut will not be cursed, but any gear in your inventory or in the container you looted will still be cursed, you will still be Cursed for 3000 turns and she will still disappear.
